Sunday, April 22, 2012

Reading and Winen - 50 Shades of Giggle

Our monthly meeting has come and gone. Thanks to Marcia and her Audible books and Molly for lending me her nook I have gotten thru the trilogy by E.L James, Fifty Shades of Grey (Fifty Shades Book 1), Fifty Shades Darker (Fifty Shades Book 2) and Fifty Shades Freed (Fifty Shades Book 3). 

Ignore the blazing blush my checks carried since I started this series of books, we started our meeting with giggles and wine. Our book club meeting is not a book club meeting without some spirits. As usual our book club is an all day affair, reviewing books we read, books we want to read and contemplating other subjects that life might bring us. We also enjoy the best homemade fare. I have to say we all made something super mouth watering yummy. We had fried chicken wings, mashed potatoes, turkey meatloaf, garlic bread and yummy mac and cheese. All homemade and all made with love.

I won’t ruin the books for you my darling readers but if you are open minded I would highly recommend this series. I had a mixture of awe, dislike and love for the main character. It opened my mind to possibilities in exploring ones limits. I am glad I found this series once the author finished writing them. I probably would have gone crazy with anticipation for the next book. If you are anything like me, your emotions will be all over the place but as my book club ladies kept saying to me “KEEP READING.”  I did enjoy how the author followed the story from one book to the next not missing a beat, or leaving me feeling like I missed a huge chunk of life. This is definitely not all “Hearts and Flowers”, but it will make your blood boil.
We also had the pleasure of having Gabriela picked to host a Sparks Party by House Party. Giving us our next book to read. The Lucky One by Nicholas Sparks, turned into a movie starring Zac Efron. I will be reviewing this book at our next meeting. We as a group love hosting themed parties, as it gives us a chance to demo products we might not have normally have purchased on our own. I know I have purchased Items I’ve gotten introduced to thru a House Party event.

If you are a part of a book club or love reading let me know if you have any suggestions for our club.


**This article was written by Letty, want to know more check out my blog at

Friday, April 20, 2012

Hello there!

Welcome to our blog! We are the Reading & Winen Book Club. We meet in the San Francisco Bay Area to discuss our latest reads and share in some good wine and good food.

4 of us went to high school together, life happened and we all went our separate ways. However, we have found each other once again due to Facebook and Twitter. We talked about starting a book club on Twitter and we finally decided to meet in February of 2012.

We've recently decided that we want to be more public with our opinions and experiences. We now have this blog, our own twitter handle @ReadingAndWinen, and our own Facebook page. We're toying around with the idea of recording some video reviews and posting them on You Tube. More on that when we get to it.

Our group is still in it's baby stages, we're excited to build this up and see how much it grows. Feel free to send us any recommendations of books we must read. We look forward to hearing your feedback. Thanks for joining us at this early stage!